Friday, October 11, 2013

Collaboratively annotate images in Google Drive

Google keeps secretly adding new features to Google Docs.

They have just added a new feature that will allow your students to have a substantive discussion about an image:  a chart, graph, map, work of art, or photograph.

All you have to do is upload an image to Google Drive and share it.

Try it below -- you can add your input about your favorite place on campus -- just click the image below (or here) to go to a shared image (a screenshot from Google Maps), and add a comment of your own:

Just think of the possibilities....

Students could annotate images to demonstrate their knowledge of content depicted in the image:

They could engage in a discussion about the details of a work of art, chart, graph, or map (like the incredibly erudite and interesting conversation I had with myself, below):

When you share an image with students, and they open it (not just in the preview window), they'll see a little comment icon in the toolbar.  All they have to do is click that icon, select a location in the image to comment upon, and type in their greatest insights.

Students can respond to each other's comments and questions:

The possibilities are boundless.

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