Friday, October 25, 2013

Increase learning with a single click: turn on the captions

(Image from "Export a Video with Captions," from

Want your students to understand more when they watch videos about content? All it takes is one click:

Turn on the captions.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

You can embed videos in Google Forms!

Here's another great new superpower from Google -- you can embed videos in Google forms.

This means, for example, that you could assign a video for homework, and attach a series of quiz questions to measure student understanding ...or open-ended questions to generate discussion or determine what you need to teach in class.

(You could even use Flubaroo to instantly score student responses and send them feedback...more on that later.)

Friday, October 11, 2013

Collaboratively annotate images in Google Drive

Google keeps secretly adding new features to Google Docs.

They have just added a new feature that will allow your students to have a substantive discussion about an image:  a chart, graph, map, work of art, or photograph.

All you have to do is upload an image to Google Drive and share it.


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