Monday, May 14, 2012

Where do we come from? Where are we going? Two beautiful interactive data visualizations of migration


At, you get an instant, visceral sense of the nature and diversity of the groups of people who flow into and out of every country in the world.  It uses open source data from the World Bank and U.S. Census, among others.

It's one thing to read a list of numbers; it's another to see them.

Click a country on the left to see where its emigrants head; click a country on the right to see its immigrants stream in, in proportional, color-coded lines.

Check out some other facts as well -- would you have guessed that the country with the second-highest immigration rate (after the U.S.) is Russia?  And that Saudi Arabia is the fourth most-emigrated-to country?

2. American Migration
Want a more nuanced view of immigration within our own country?  Check out the interactive map,  American Migration, put out by Forbes magazine.

Click on any county, and you will see:
  • inbound + outbound immigration over time
  • other U.S. counties that people migrate from/to
  • a host of other data

Below is the data for Maricopa County (top), compared to Pima County (bottom):  


Why is it that Maricopa county now has more people leaving than coming?  
What do those big blue streaks towards the northeast mean? 
If you had $1,000,000 to invest in Arizona real estate, where would you buy?

What kinds of things could your kids dig up in with these data sets?

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