Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Be Like A Neutrino -- Use Mac Keyboard Shortcuts

Macintosh Keyboard Shortcuts.jpg
Einstein may have been wrong about something big: scientists at CERN in Europe just announced that they clocked a stream of neutrinos shooting through the earth at speeds faster than the speed of light.  If this isn't human error, it is a dazzling, mind-blowing possibility, and we need to reshape our fundamental picture of the constraints of our universe.

If you want to be faster than light, try these Macintosh keyboard shortcuts --

those seconds add up, and every second you don't spend in front of a computer is another second you can spend with your students, or your family, or your dog, or that big mountain north of us...

Download the attachment, print it out, and keep it near the computer for eternal reference.

(And if you have any favorite keyboard shortcuts that I've missed, let me know, and I'll add 'em.)

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