Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Be Like A Neutrino -- Use Mac Keyboard Shortcuts

Macintosh Keyboard Shortcuts.jpg
Einstein may have been wrong about something big: scientists at CERN in Europe just announced that they clocked a stream of neutrinos shooting through the earth at speeds faster than the speed of light.  If this isn't human error, it is a dazzling, mind-blowing possibility, and we need to reshape our fundamental picture of the constraints of our universe.

If you want to be faster than light, try these Macintosh keyboard shortcuts --

Improve students' grasp of abstract concepts with free online games (pattern recognition activities)

Brain Calisthenics for Abstract Ideas

I bet many of your students can eventually and laboriously graph a line, but they can't just look at a graph and 'get' what that slope means, like you do.

But there might be a way students can train themselves to be able to recognize those patterns.

And you wouldn't have to create anything new.


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