Monday, January 14, 2013

A game that helps students experience the speed of light

Some six-year-olds, like my son, are able to run at or faster than light speeds -- so they claim -- so they are comfortable with the relativistic changes that occur at high speeds, in which space warps, invisible light shifts into the visible spectrum, and they see images of objects as they existed in the past. However, most of the rest of us terrestrial snails cannot conceive of the ways in which the universe changes for objects that are moving at or near the speed of light.

However, there is hope; a light at the end of tunnel.

The people at MIT's Game Lab have found a beguiling way to create a sensory gaming experience that mimics and demonstrates many of the shifts that occur at relativistic speeds:  time dilation, Doppler effect, searchlight effect, and Lorentz transformation, for example.  It's called A Slower Speed of Light.


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