Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Do you know about the Google Art project?

I just recently learned about this awesome resource: The Google Art Project.

It contains insanely high-resolution images of artworks in hundreds of museums across the world, searchable by artist, collection, or artwork -- and you can filter by medium (including photography!)

I thought it would be a great resource for you as you present genres and models, and for your kids, as they research or look for inspiration.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Write like a professional: 10 tips for email etiquette

As promised, here are some resources to help you teach email etiquette to students -- so, never again will you need to wonder, "Who sent that one?"

This is all part of how students create a presence or an identity for themselves digitally.  The more conscious they become about how details convey information about them, the more prudent they'll be in all their online interactions.

Some ideas:
  • Print out a real email from a real student (minus name/alias) and show it to the class; let them make suggestions.
  • Point out context -- students will follow different conventions when emailing friends (or even on subsequent emails after a formal greeting or request -- most of us drop the salutations after 3 or 4 replies in the same conversation)
  • Have students read the short article, "Email Etiquette," from the Daily Writing Tips website.
  • Assign students to send you one email with appropriate etiquette (this has an added benefit for you: you'll be always able to search for the student by full name, and find their school Gmail address)

The documents:

And model what you preach!  I know I don't always follow these guidelines, but I know my emails are more effective when I do. 


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